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*Please slide through the photos for more information on each ads.

Brief: Help a local Pho restaurant launching their restaurant on Facebook. The restaurant owner gave me a 25% price promotion to support the launching campaign.


  • For a new restaurant, it's crucial for the news to reach as many people as possible and a 25% discount is a very tempting deal to incite people to try the place. So I set the first ad with the goal of maximising reach in 7 days. The content of the ad is simple and straight forward with a description of the restaurant's signature dish and the launching promotion "Authentic Hanoian Pho served in 120°C hot bowls. 25% launching discount in the first week."
    In the first few days, I ran the ad to everyone at 18-24 years old in the city to notify the most susceptible audience to new eateries - teenagers and young adults and create a momentum for the later phase.
    After a few days, I change the target audience to the main target audience of the ads - adults 25-34 and 35-44 as they usually have families and can afford our dishes (but are less responsive to Facebook ads). Now that the ad has gained a significant amount of attention (likes), the older and more sceptical audience would more likely to follow the crowd and give the restaurant a try. 

    As a result, the ad achieved 21, 784 reach at 0.0019 USD/reach.

  • As the Reach as ran through its course, I saw the reach slowly reduced. So I launched the second ads near the end of the first ad using photos of many real visitors in the restaurant during the earlier launching dates. This ad was aiming at encouraging people to discuss more about the restaurant, so I set the goal for "Post engagement" and ran the ad for people who interacted with the Reach ad as well as their look-alikes.
    So under the impression in the images that there were many people coming in the first few launching days, more people became curious about the restaurant and started commenting for the location of the restaurant. So I stayed extremely responsive during this phase and always commented as soon as new comments appeared to boost up the interactions in the post.

    As a result, the ad achieved 4,627 engagements, which was 24.84% of the total reach
    at 0.0032 USD/engagement.

The ripple effect of the two ads was a huge success. We managed to sell more than 200 bowls each day during the first launching week.

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